Why Is the Constitution So Hard to Read

Special Series: Perspectives from Undergraduate Law Students
J.D. Student Contribution

[Editor'south note: The students in my advanced seminar on constitutional amendment wrote excellent papers in their have-home exam for the course. They were given a choice of two questions to answer: (ane) "Is the United states Constitution Besides Difficult to Amend?"; or (2) "Assume the year is 1787. You are an counselor to a delegate to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia. What advice would you give near how to design Article V?" Below, I reproduce one of my pupil's answers in response to to Question #one, with his permission. –Richard Albert]

–William Hendel, 2L at Boston Higher Law School

Much as been made of the obduracy of the Article 5 Amendment process.  It is, unquestionably, among the nigh onerous amendment processes in the world (Vile, Ramble Revision 396).  But information technology is not the obstacle to progress that some have asserted.  To borrow from Shakespeare, the fault is not in our procedure only in ourselves, that nosotros are dissatisfied.  Constitutions speak to timeless questions of natural rights, the people'southward relationship to  their government, and the balance of powers amongst political actors.  With due respect to Mr. Jefferson, the answers to these questions probably do not change every 20 years, or even every two hundred years (Sullivan 694).  Of course, they may change. And should they, the people demand an avenue to upshot their change of mind. Additionally, errors in the document may need correcting or ministerial duties may need tending.  I submit that Commodity V has served all of these functions – from outlawing slavery to putting term limits on the President.  The process has non failed us. Nosotros have failed the procedure. We have been unfaithful, and allowed another, faster, less autonomous, less open up avenue determine our constitutional destiny.  We have made Commodity 5 an flunkey where it should have been uncontested.  Thereby, nosotros have made a difficult procedure unpalatable, and in many ways, irrelevant.

Constitutions should be very difficult to amend.  Equally Marshall says in McCulloch five. Maryland, the Constitution is supposed to endure for ages to come (Sullivan 695).   Timeless documents should not need to be updated with great frequency. Nor is it prudent to do and then. Every bit Sullivan observes, "relatively exceptional subpoena preserves public conviction in the stability of the bones constitutional construction" (Sullivan 695). Reciprocally, frequent subpoena will invariably bring the derisive political conflicts of the 24-hour interval into the foundational document.  This will demote the Constitution to piddling more than a statute, and information technology volition mistiness the line betwixt politics and the dominion of constabulary.  Sullivan points to the counterbalanced budget subpoena as an example of an attempt to enshrine "a particular and highly contestable macroeconomic policy – no arrears spending – in the Constitution" (Sullivan 697).  The Constitution is a argument of first principles and the pattern for government structure.  To treat the Constitution as anything less would engender resentment amidst big portions of the populace and irreparably damage the legitimacy of the document every bit a locus of say-so.

Nevertheless some other reason for an obdurate Article V is coherence and the protection of offset principles that are, or at least should be, inviolable.

Since the people practice ordain and constitute the Constitution, their power of revision or destruction of the document is utterly unrestrained.  The Ninth and 10th Amendments make such a point expressly: the power and rights remain with the states and the people.  Therefore, I cannot bring together advocates of theories of internal restraint on subpoena the process.  The basic structure doctrine, even so prudent and however successful in India, is simply non valid in the United states; no court or congress or president has the authority to defend the Constitution against radical change, regardless of its content. That is not say, however, that I do not share similar concerns over the internal coherence of the Constitution or the survival of basic, inalienable rights.  I agree empathically with William Harris when he says, "The Constitution cannot speak like a fitfully sleeping drunk, in disconnected words and phrases that human action as freestanding decrees" (Galston 77).   The founders shared such concerns, but they recognized the difference between impossibility and improvidence.  The Constitution can say what ever the people want it say, so zilch is impossible. There is, however, a great deal it could say that would not be terribly sensible or just.   That is why they designed Article V with such a high bar.  Obduracy encourages debate and persuasion, and it demands consensus.

Admittedly, it is one thing to say the Constitution should not be easy to amend, and quite some other to say should be substantially impossible to ameliorate, as it is currently.  Many people would agree with the above defense of obduracy simply still argue that Article Five asks too much.  Of over 11,500 proposals submitted to Congress only xxx three accept received the requisite two thirds vote in both Houses; twenty seven of the thirty three take been ratified by the states (Vile, Constitutional Revision 397).  A written report produced by Professor Lutz institute that America had the second nigh onerous subpoena process of the thirty two countries he surveyed (Vile, Constitutional Revision 396).  Professor Forbath has noted with frustration how Article V empowers "well-healed and well-organized minorities" to obstruct overwhelmingly popular amendments (Forbath 1976).  With respect to the New Deal, he notes, "The overbearing obduracy of the unamended Article V macerated the jurisgenerative politics of the New Deal moment, and deprived united states of new ramble texts – texts on which citizens and courts could have rested claims to extend and deepen our constitutional commitments in ways nosotros would prize" (Forbath 1980).  For Professor Forbath and many others, Article 5'south de facto impossibility has harmed our nation by interim offset equally barrier to progress, and afterwards, a potentially devastating Achilles' heel that perpetually threatens progress.

But the show must proceed. Civilizations and governments must evolve. Progress must continue, with or without Article V amendments. As Professor Ackerman points out, President Roosevelt notwithstanding accomplished his ramble subpoena through "transformative appointments": "Call it a myth of rediscovery: a new moving ridge of presidential appointments repudiates the Court's immediate past by appealing to the 'intent of the Framers' of more distant times, so reinterprets this intent in ways that give the President's party new authority to enact its program" (Ackerman 1166). Or put more directly, President Roosevelt knew that he did non take the back up to ameliorate the Constitution, so he threatened to pack the courtroom with his own appointees unless the Supreme Court amended its jurisprudence co-ordinate to his plan for the state. He then appointed justices that would informally amend the Constitution to sanction his new vision for the country.  This was perfectly legitimate, according to Ackerman, because Roosevelt had won "a decisive reelection on the basis of a political program advocating fundamental alter in reigning ramble principle" (Ackerman 1171).  In essence, the obduracy of Article V birthed an alternative amendment path, through the executive and the judiciary, to meet the need to update a centuries-erstwhile governing document.

In fact, Ackerman has the events precisely backwards.  Roosevelt'due south employment of "transformative appointments" ensured that Article Five would become an impossible and, indeed, irrelevant method for amending the Constitution.  The exigency created the impossibility, not the other way around.  "The New Bargain Settlement", equally Professor Barnett calls it, established that "Congress can exercise unchecked power over the national economy and everything that may have affected it, express just by the express guarantees of the Bill of Rights" (Barnett 814).  This is not an amendment to the Constitution, simply a fundamental redrafting of the document'due south defining element – federalism.  It does not just violate the bones construction, but completely recasts it.  As Barnett points out, earlier the New Bargain, the Constitution provided for islands of government ability in a body of water of private and states rights, afterward the New Deal we had islands of state and individual rights in sea of federal power (Barnett 816).  The reason why Roosevelt plant Article 5 an incommunicable route cake was not because the procedure was unreasonable, only because he merely did not have plenty back up for a change of that magnitude.  Arguably, the change he was seeking required a national convention and an entirely new Constitution, no thing how "decisive" his reelection.  Article V was designed precisely then changes like "The New Deal Settlement" could not happen merely by fiat of the executive and acquiescence of the judiciary – the two branches, one must note, that are clearly absent-minded from the Article V amending procedure.

Strauss but tells the states part of the story when he says extra constitutional changes are then important and amendments are then rare, that the latter are about irrelevant (Strauss 1474).  Amendments are so rare, non because of the objective difficulty of the procedure but because of its relative difficulty; information technology's simply easier to win an election and brand the correct appointments.  If Commodity Five was the simply method of amendment, every bit was intended, we would detect a manner to get the necessary amendments passed.  For case, in the aftermath of the Civil State of war, we passed three amendments most simultaneously to cure a scarcely fathomable injustice that was written into the original Constitution; the machinery of Article 5 moves when the proper pressure is practical. But that pressure level will almost always take enormous endeavor. Merely wining a presidential election, where a 4% margin of victory is a landslide, is similar knocking over a vase instead of a vending machine. Nosotros only have no incentive to wrangle the necessary consensus.   Nor are we required to take the initiative ourselves to call a convention, should we find Congress incapable of passing the necessary amendments themselves.  Thus, Article V has essentially fallen into neglect, revived only in empty campaign promises and perfunctory proposals. It has been replaced by a nationalistic procedure, without the states, without meaningful debate, and without anything virtually a national consensus. And in comparison to the lite threshold for appointment, Article V can very accurately be called impossible.

There is good reason to exist distressed by the development of breezy, unwritten amendment, at the expense of formal process, beyond a nostalgia for federalism.  First, if the checking role of the formal subpoena process is removed, the people accept lost an important tool in constraining a wayward federal regime (Vile & Denning 253).  Second, without a proper amendment, we cannot record significant constitutional moments, as Professor Forbath laments. Instead, all Constitutional amendments will exist field of study to the inclinations of the current justices' successors, and thereby, vulnerable to swift and like shooting fish in a barrel disposal (Vile & Denning 257).  Finally, without the formal amendment process we lose a powerful test of legitimacy. Without the process, the footing of the ramble change is but the opinion of five justices, rather than two thirds of both Houses of Congress (or convention) and three quarters of united states of america' legislatures (or state conventions).

If, as I argue to a higher place, Commodity 5 was not drafted to be too onerous originally, a dissever question is, given the continuing importance of proper amendments, is it too onerous now that we have accepted informal amendments by the judiciary?  Some may say that the Subpoena process is simply too of import to become defunct. Article V needs to be more accessible to compete with the judicial procedure.  With Commodity V posing such a high bar to amendment, the justices and – by extension – the elected presidents tin can change the Constitution with relative impunity, and even more than troublingly, without clear authority or endorsement of the public.  At that place is undoubtedly merit in the argument and legitimacy in the concern.  I, still, still believe Commodity V, as it is drafted, is not the principal issue.

The President, Congress, and, to a certain extent, the Supreme Court, nonetheless answer to us.  If we cared enough, nosotros could make Presidents and their party responsible for Supreme Court justices who take it upon themselves to brand amendments to the Constitution.  Furthermore, we could punish members of Congress who approved the appointment of justices who did non restrain themselves.  Every bit far as the court is concerned, it is not directly responsible to the people but it is indirectly beholden to public opinion.  As the weakest branch of regime, with only the power of judgment, the Supreme Court depends upon our respect for its legitimacy.  Therefore, a public expression of significant business organisation over perceived amendment would have influence.  Of class, all of the above requires two impossibilities in the present political climate.  I, we would need be engaged enough to read and analyze the Supreme Courtroom's rulings. And two, we would need the dispassion and respect for process to oppose opinions that get beyond the boundaries of the court – fifty-fifty if nosotros support the result.

Another option, but slightly less fanciful, is pop referendum. Amar argues, quite convincingly, that Article V is not the people's merely recourse for subpoena.  Madison makes the point that the people, as the fountain of all power, tin can better or dispose of constitutions as they please (Amar 97).  James Wilson, signatory of both the Announcement of Independence and the Constitution states: "The truth is, that in our governments, the supreme, absolute, and uncontrollable power remains in the people.  As the constitutions are superior to our legislatures, the people are superior to the constitutions.  Indeed the superiority, in this concluding instance, is much greater, for the people possess over our constitution, control in deed, as well as right" (Amar 98).  Furthermore, the text of the Constitution itself supports Amar's thesis, as the Preamble states explicitly that the document is ordained and established by the people; the Ninth and Tenth Amendments expressly locate the reserve rights and powers in the people (Amar 107).  This is to say, the government can not end the people from organizing and calling some type of convention to amend or even abolish the Constitution, Commodity V withal.  Here again, however, the possibility runs into an unforgiving practical reality.  The people would have to take initiative, organize themselves, without the federal government property their hands.  It might exist pleasant to reverberate upon if information technology was not then difficult to comprehend.

Commodity V creates an enormous barrier to Subpoena.  It should.  The questions the Constitution engages are timeless, and therefore should just require reconsideration under the most boggling of circumstances.  Furthermore, since the Constitution is a statement of our identity as people and our human relationship to our government, subpoena should only occur nether significant consensus.  The obduracy of Commodity 5 ensures consensus, and thereby limits risk of abuse, incoherence, and inconsistency.  It is not the problem.  The trouble is informal amendment through the judiciary.  In the judiciary, the consensus is only of five justices, representing, at most, three different police schools.  It is undemocratic, unconstitutional, and protean – substantially everything that Article V was designed to foreclose.  Just most of all, it is our fault. We have allowed presidents, congresses, and justices to accept our sovereign power. Information technology is up to us to accept it dorsum. If attending, engagement, and a baseline agreement of our relationship with our government asks too much, our self-approbation is concluding, and an easier subpoena procedure will be no cure.

Suggested Citation: William Hendel,Is the U.s.a. Constitution Too Difficult to Improve?, Int'l J. Const. 50. Blog, Feb. twenty, 2015, at:  http://www.iconnectblog.com/2015/01/is-the-united-states-constitution-too-difficult-to-amend


Bruce Ackerman, Transformative Appointments, 101 HARVARD LAW REVIEW 1164 (1988)

Akhil Reed Amar, Popular Sovereignty and Constitutional Amendment, in RESPONDING TO IMPERFECTION: THE THEORY AND Practise OF Constitutional Amendment 90 (Sanford Levinson ed., 1995)

Randy Barnett, The Example for the Repeal Subpoena, 78 TENNESSEE LAW REVIEW 813 (2011)

Brannon Denning & John Vile, The Relevance of Constitutional Amendments: A Response to David Strauss, 77 TULANE LAW REVIEW 27 (2002)

William Forbath, The Politics of Constitutional Pattern: Obduracy and Amendability—A Comment on Ferejohn and Sager, 81 TEXAS LAW REVIEW 1966 (2003)

Miriam Galston, Theocracy in America: Should Core First Amendment Values be Permanent?, 37 HASTINGS Ramble LAW QUARTERLY 65 (2009)

David A. Strauss, The Irrelevance of Constitutional Amendments, 114 HARVARD Law REVIEW 1457 (2001)

Kathleen G. Sullivan, Constitutional Constancy: Why Congress Should Cure Itself of Amendment Fever, 17 Cardozo Police Review 691 (1996)

John R. Vile, Ramble Revision in the United States of America, in ENGINEERING Constitutional Modify: A COMPARATIVE PERSPECTIVE ON EUROPE, CANADA AND THE USA 389 (Xenophon Contiades ed., 2013)

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Source: http://www.iconnectblog.com/2015/02/is-the-united-states-constitution-too-difficult-to-amend/

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