The Impact of Addiction on the Families: Estimates of Prevalence and Costs

Eczema Stats

eczema prevalence eczema impact on quality of life


These facts and figures represent a summary of the about current information from published scientific literature regarding the prevalence of eczema and the brunt people living with eczema face every twenty-four hours.

The Big Film

31.half-dozen one thousand thousand people (10.1%) in the U.Due south. have some form of eczema. 1 2

1 in 10 individuals will develop eczema during their lifetime, with prevalence peaking in early on babyhood. 2 3 iv 5 6

People of all skin colors, races and ethnicities tin be affected by eczema 1 :

  • White – 11%
  • African American/blackness – x%
  • Asian or Pacific Islander – 13%
  • Native American – 13%

Prevalence of Childhood & Adult Atopic Dermatitis (Advert)

Approximately ix.six 1000000 U.S. children nether the age of 18 accept AD, and 1-third have moderate to severe illness. 5 vii 8

The prevalence of childhood AD has steadily increased from eight% to ~12% since 1997. iv

An estimated 16.5 million U.S. adults (7.3%) have Advertizing that initially began at >ii years of age, with nearly twoscore% affected by moderate or severe disease. nine

Atopic dermatitis is not solely a disease of childhood onset; 1 in 4 adults report adult-onset of initial symptoms. x xi

Atopic dermatitis affects a like number of male and female person children, still, studies accept shown it is more mutual in developed females than males. 2 5 half-dozen 8 ix 12 13

In the U.South., Advert affects more African-American/black children and European-American children compared to Hispanic children. v seven 12

Although study percentages vary, adults that are multiracial or white tend to have the highest prevalence of atopic dermatitis. 2 9 14

African-American/black and Hispanic children tend to have more than severe AD compared to white children. viii fourteen

Children born outside the U.S. have a fifty% lower take chances of developing Advertisement that increases later on living in the U.S. for 10 years. xv

80% of individuals affected with AD experience illness onset prior to 6 years of historic period, and current data suggests at to the lowest degree eighty% will "outgrow" their Advertisement by adolescence or adulthood. 16 17

Children with more severe, persistent Advertizing have a higher run a risk for prolonged illness, although Advert may persist regardless of severity. 17 18

Impacts of Eczema

Disease Burden & Bloodshed

Itch is the most burdensome symptom of Advertizement, followed past peel redness and dryness. 19 20 21

A recent report of adults with moderate to severe AD found that 70.5% reported severe, unbearable itch in the past ii weeks, 85.eight% reported daily itch, and 62.8% reported itching at least 12 hours per mean solar day. 22

Skin pain is a newly appreciated symptom of Advertizement, with 61% of affected adults reporting pain, 33% experienced pain at least once per week, and 5.2% had hurting daily. 20 23 24

Sleep disturbance occurs in approximately 60% of children with AD, and parents of children with AD are iv to 8 times more than likely to average less than six hours of sleep per night compared with caregivers of healthy children. 25 26

15-thirty% of adults with AD experience slumber-related issues including insomnia, daytime sleepiness and fatigue, and charge per unit sleep disturbance as the 'most' or 'second-most' burdensome symptom. 21 27 28

More than than 55% of adults with moderate-to-severe AD written report inadequate disease control. 29 xxx

One in four adults with AD rate their health as "fair" or "poor"; more than than 16% are "very" or "somewhat" dissatisfied with life. Negative ratings of health and life satisfaction increment with AD severity. 21

Hospitalization due to AD flares and associated infections is associated with an 8.three-yr reduction in lifespan compared to the general population. 31 Outside of hospitalization, the risk for death due to whatsoever cause is slightly increased in people with AD. 32

Eczema has the highest effect on disability-associated life years for patients with peel diseases worldwide. 33

Comorbid Weather

Atopic Conditions

Children with AD often develop other atopic conditions in a typical sequence of food allergy, allergic rhinitis and asthma – known as the atopic march. Some of these weather condition may persist for years, others may resolve with increasing age. 34 35

One in 3 children with AD will additionally develop asthma or allergic rhinitis. The gamble of developing asthma increases with AD severity as more than than 50% of children with severe AD will develop asthma. 35 36 37 38 39

Young children with AD are six times more likely to develop a food allergy compared to children without AD. 40 41 42

More than than 20% of adults with AD too have asthma, and they take a two to four times increased risk for having allergic rhinitis and food allergy. two 43

People with atopic dermatitis are at increased risk of developing serious bacterial, viral and fungal skin infections. 44 45

Autoimmune and Cardiac Disease

AD in adults is associated with other serious chronic conditions that contribute to poor health including diabetes, obesity, autoimmune illness, high blood pressure level and centre disease. Risk for these conditions increases with AD severity. 45 46 47 48


For hospitalized adults with Ad, the prevalence of serious infections including cutaneous, respiratory and systemic (centre, encephalon, GI, bone) infections is significantly higher compared to those without Advertisement. 49

Ocular Conditions

Adults with Ad have an increased run a risk of heart-related weather condition including conjunctivitis, keratitis, and keratoconus; this risk increases with AD affliction severity. l 51

Neuropsychiatric Conditions

Children with AD are more than probable to be diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). 45 52 53 54

Children and adolescents with AD are two to half-dozen times more than likely to have depression, feet or acquit disorder than children without Advertizing. 54 55

Adults with AD have a two-and-a-one-half to three-fold higher run a risk for anxiety or depression that increases with disease severity, yet up to 1-one-half of individuals may go undiagnosed. 9 56 57 58

AD'due south negative touch on mental health ranks greater than that for patients with center affliction, diabetes and high claret force per unit area. 21

Recent studies accept suggested people with AD are up to 44% more probable to exhibit suicidal ideation, and 36% are more than likely to try suicide. 59 sixty 61 62 63

Babyhood Ad has a significant bear on on the emotional and social well-being of parents and caregivers. 64

Lifestyle Impacts

Half of adults with moderate to severe AD indicate that Ad significantly limits their lifestyle; nearly 35% of adults with mild AD also feel some lifestyle limitations. 21

More 1-3rd of people with AD say they "oftentimes" or "always" feel angry or embarrassed by their advent due to the affliction. 65

One-third to one-half of adults with AD avoid social interactions considering of their appearance. 21 66 67

Parents and caregivers of children with AD written report feeling embarrassed about their child'due south advent as well as frustration, helplessness, sadness and guilt due to their child's disease. 68

Children, adolescents and young adults with eczema often feel isolated from their peers due to disease-related lifestyle restrictions. 63 68 69

Pre-boyish girls with Advertisement more oft report dumb self-perceived health than their male person counterparts. 70

One in 4 children and teens with Advert have experienced bullying because of their disease. 63 71

Nigh one-third of adults with AD accept experienced challenges in schoolhouse or their work life, and 14% of adults believed that their academic and/or career progression has been hindered past Advertisement. 66 72

Nearly twoscore% of patients with eczema reported that they turned down a job or an educational opportunity due to their disease. 14 73

More than 85% of people with Advertizing indicate their disease affects the type of clothes worn by "somewhat" or "a lot." Girls report more than problems with clothing choices than boys. 67 74

One in three adults with AD and their partners have reported that eczema interfered with establishing relationships and their sexual health. 66 75 76

Economical & Societal Impact

Adults with Advert, regardless of illness severity, are more likely to take five or more days off work annually compared to their non-affected coworkers. 77

Nearly v.9 one thousand thousand workdays annually are lost due to eczema. 77

People with Advertisement have college overall piece of work damage compared to non-affected coworkers. Approximately 15% of the workday tin can be impacted past disease flares. 28 66

Parents of children with AD experience lost work productivity that relates to their kid's Advertising severity. xiv

U.South. adults with moderate to severe AD accept nearly 16% less employment than those with mild AD. 78

People with AD have increased health intendance utilization than those without AD including: seven 77 79

  • $371-$489 higher out-of-pocket costs per person each twelvemonth, which is higher than the out-of-pocket costs for hypertension and diabetes. 77
  • More outpatient doctor visits 28 80 81
  • More visits to urgent/emergency care 82
  • More than hospitalizations 77 83

Cost of care considerations have been reported for Advertising patients: 77

  • 17.6% delayed intendance due to concerns about cost
  • xiii.i% did not seek care due to concerns about cost
  • fifteen.7% report an inability to cover the cost of prescriptions

Inpatient costs for Ad care reach nearly $8.3 one thousand thousand/year for adults and more than $3.3 million/year for children. 84

Full direct medical costs in 2013 averaged $11,660 per AD patient, which represents an incremental cost of $3,302 annually. Costs are higher in patients with more astringent disease. 81

In 2013, the cost to the health system to care for atopic dermatitis patients was $314 1000000. 85

The almanac economic brunt of eczema, including straight medical costs, indirect costs from lost productivity, and quality of life impacts, is conservatively estimated at $v.3 billion. 86


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  78. Eckert Fifty, Gupta Southward, Amand C, Gadkari A, Mahajan P, Gelfand JM. The brunt of atopic dermatitis in U.s.a. adults: Wellness care resource utilization data from the 2013 National Health and Health Survey. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2018;78(1):54-61 e51.[↩]
  79. Silverberg JI, Gelfand JM, Margolis DJ, et al. Atopic Dermatitis in US Adults: From Population to Health Care Utilization. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2019;7(v):1524-1532 e1522.[↩]
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  81. Drucker AM, Qureshi AA, Amand C, et al. Health Care Resource Utilization and Costs Among Adults with Atopic Dermatitis in the U.s.a.: A Claims-Based Analysis. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2018;6(4):1342-1348.[↩][↩]
  82. Kwa L, Silverberg JI. Fiscal burden of emergency department visits for atopic dermatitis in the Us. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2018;79(3):443-447.[↩]
  83. Cheng BT, Silverberg JI. Predictors of hospital readmission in Usa children and adults with atopic dermatitis. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2019;123(1):64-69 e62.[↩]
  84. Narla S, Hsu DY, Thyssen JP, Silverberg JI. Predictors of Hospitalization, Length of Stay, and Costs of Care Among Adult and Pediatric Inpatients With Atopic Dermatitis in the United States. Dermatitis. 2018;29(1):22-31.[↩]
  85. Lim HW, Collins SAB, Resneck JS, Jr., et al. The burden of pare disease in the United States. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2017;76(five):958-972 e952.[↩]
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